Yannick Winkler M.A.

Research Associate

Email: yannick.winkler@uni-mainz.de

Yannick Winkler joined the Computational Communication Research Group at the Department of Communication as a research associate in November 2022. From December 2020 to September 2023, he worked on the project “Multilevel Flows of Political Communication on Facebook - A Computational Approach Using Individual Digital Traces” at the University of Mainz and the University of Hohenheim. Funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, this project examined the communication behavior of professional political agents and Facebook users. He received his degrees in political science from the University of Freiburg (B.A.) and the University of Mannheim (M.A.). His current research focuses on the applications of Large Language Models in communication science.

Prior to his academic career, he worked for politicians at both the state and federal levels.

Research focus

  • Computational Communication Science
  • Political communication on Social Media