Publications and conference presentations

Journal articles (peer-reviewed)

Winkler, Y., Bachl, M. & Scharkow, M. (2022). Individual users’ participation on political Facebook pages. Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media, 2.

Conference presentations


Winkler, Y., Jost, P., Jürgens, P., Schwager, N. (2024). Trial and Insight: Combining Quantitative Content Analysis and AI for Experimental Stimulus Generation. Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen "Digitale Kommunikation" und "Methoden der Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft" der DGPuK, Hamburg.


Winkler, Y., Wurst, A.-K. & Bachl, M. (2023). No manual annotation required? Exploring dictionary, string matching, and machine learning methods for negative campaigning detection. Tagung der Fachgruppe "Methoden der Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft" der DGPuK, Potsdam.

Winkler, Y., Wurst, A.-K. & Bachl, M. (2023). New off-the-shelf methods: Assessing pre- trained transformers for negative campaigning detection. ECPR Konferenz, Prag.

Scharkow, M., Winkler, Y., Jürgens, P. & Bachl, M. (2023). Understanding incivility in comments on political Facebook pages: Toxic people in a toxic environment? ECREA Konferenz, Aarhus.


Bachl, M., Winkler, Y., & Scharkow, M. (2022). Individual user behavior on political Facebook pages. ICA Konferenz, Paris.


Bachl, M., Scharkow, M. & Winkler, Y. (2021). News sharing by party line? An analysis of source sharing patterns in political social media discussions. ICA Konferenz, online.

Invited Talks


Scharkow, M. & Winkler, Y. (2023). KI für automatische Text- und Bildanalysen. Symposium Künstliche  Intelligenz an der JGU, Mainz.